D’ailleurs, il y a qu’à voir, la quantité et la teneur des motions de  Traducción - D’ailleurs, il y a qu’à voir, la quantité et la teneur des motions de  inglés cómo decir

D’ailleurs, il y a qu’à voir, la qu

D’ailleurs, il y a qu’à voir, la quantité et la teneur des motions de remerciement adressé au chef de l’État par les « les filles et fils » d’une région précise, à la suite de la nomination d’un des leurs au poste de ministre. C’est dire à quel point les attentes sont nombreuses pour la famille, le village, le département, la paroisse/mosquée, etc.
La rétribution indue d’un service public. Pour effectuer un acte relevant de la fonction publique, le fonctionnaire fait payer l’usager. Autrement dit, il marchande le « service » qu’il est censé effectuer gratuitement.
Pour prendre la mesure de cette forme de corruption, il suffit d’avoir à l’idée la rétribution ou « tchoko » qu’on est souvent tenu de donner pour obtenir la certification d’un acte d’état civil. Dans certaines administrations même, tout dossier non « lesté » d’un billet sera systématiquement laissé en attente indéfinie. Remarquons que certains fonctionnaires créent parfois des pénuries administratives, pour ensuite faire payer l’usager, qu’ils auront bien voulu « dépanner », prétextant avoir obtenu des imprimés auprès d’autres services.
Le tribut ou « péage ». Le tribut est extorqué sans qu’aucune intermédiation ou qu’aucun « service » ne soit véritablement fourni. L’exemple le plus à même d’illustrer cette pratique c’est le contrôle routier sur la route de Mokolo-Nkolbisson. En effet, on observe que les « chauffeurs clandos » payent une sorte de « péage » pour et la surcharge (personnes et marchandises) et le « droit » de circuler sans carte grise, assurance et/ou permis de conduire.
La perruque. C’est une pratique qui consiste à utiliser à des fins personnelles, le matériel appartenant à l’administration publique. A ce niveau, on fait référence à toutes ces voitures de fonction, téléphones de services qui ont un usage systématiquement privé.
Au demeurant, on l’aura vu, la corruption au Cameroun se manifeste ou tout au moins se caractérise par :
- le manque de transparence d’une activité ou transaction ;
- l’abus de fonction ;
- par l’acquisition illicite d’une chose à laquelle on n’a pas droit ;
- par la recherche illégitime d’un avantage personnel ;
- le chantage ou encore le népotisme.
La corruption est donc in fine nettement distincte des cadeaux ou des éléments constitutifs d’un salaire et pourboire. Comme le rappelle Olivier de Sardan, on ne saurait toutefois justifier la corruption en affirmant qu’elle fait partie d’une certaine « culture du cadeau ». Les cadeaux ne sont pas secrets et ne sont aucunement liés à une contre-prestation clairement convenue ou à une forme de chantage. En tout cas, pas dans la proportion des sommes engagées dans la corruption aujourd’hui au Cameroun.
Cette corruption a nécessairement des conséquences sur l’environnement socio-politique et économique.
2. les consequences de la corruption
Les dommages de la corruption sont multiples. Nous n’avons pas la prétention d’énumérer tout. Mais au-delà de la banalisation des moeurs ou de la légitimation du vice dont elle est le signe, c’est la bonne gouvernance qui en pâtit et surtout le développement qui en ressort affaiblit.
Convié à débattre sur les « regards sur les faits, actes et pratiques de corruption dans les milieux d’affaires au Cameroun », le président du Gicam Olivier Behlè a dévoilé les chiffres d’une enquête menée en 2008 auprès de 1052 entreprises. Il en ressort que 76 % des chefs d’entreprises affirment que la corruption avait eu un impact négatif sur leurs activités en 2007, contre 73 % en 2006. 49 % des patrons confessent avoir versé des pots-de-vin aux agents des impôts, 36 % disent avoir versé entre 1 et 5 % de leurs chiffres d’affaires pour obtenir des services. 63 % des hommes d’affaires avouent également ne plus avoir confiance au système judiciaire camerounais, tandis que 48 % des responsables estiment que le cadre juridique affecte négativement les affaires.
Ces chiffres donnent un aperçu significatif de l’impact de la corruption sur l’économie camerounaise. Il est évident que de telles pratiques ont pour corollaires l’évasion fiscale, la distorsion du marché, la paralysie de l’esprit d’entreprise et de libre concurrence. Bref, ils ont une incidence négative sur l’environnement des affaires. (6)
Bien plus, à cause de la corruption, les investissements de développement ne sont pas réalisés là où la nécessité économique, sociale et politique l’exige. Ils sont en revanche, orientés là où les perspectives pour les fonctionnaires, de percevoir des pots-de-vin sont les meilleures.
En l’absence de chiffres fiables, les secteurs les plus touchés par la corruption nous renseignent aussi sur l’impact de ce phénomène sur la vie sociale camerounaise. Selon le baromètre 2004 de Transparency International, les secteurs les plus corrompus au Cameroun étaient les douanes et la police. (7)
Fondamentalement, le niveau d’enracinement de la corruption apparait comme un baromètre d’appréciation de la gouvernance au Cameroun. En dépit des efforts consentis pour son
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Resultados (inglés) 1: [Dupdo]
Moreover, there is to see, the quantity and content of the motions of thanks addressed to the head of State by the "daughters and sons" of a region said, following the appointment of one of their own to the post of Minister. That is to say how the expectations are many for the family, the village, the Department, the parish/mosque, etc.Undue remuneration of a public service. To perform an act falling within the public service, the employee claimed pay user. In other words, it market the 'service' that it is supposed to perform for free.To take the measure of this form of corruption, just have the idea the retribution or "Tan" is often required to give for the certification of an act of civil status. In some jurisdictions even any folder not 'ballasted' with a ticket will be systematically left on indefinite hold. Note that some officials sometimes create administrative shortages, to then charge the user, they will kindly «troubleshoot», citing obtaining prints from other services.The tribute or "toll". The tribute is extorted without any intermediation or that no 'service' be truly provided. The example best illustrate this practice is the traffic on the road from Mokolo-Nkolbisson. Indeed, observed that "clandos drivers" pay a kind of "toll" for and the overload (people and goods) and the "right" to circulate without Gray card, insurance or licence.The wig. It is a practice that is to use for personal purposes, the equipment belonging to the public administration. At this level, reference is made to all these function cars, phones from services that have systematically private use.Moreover, we will have seen, corruption in Cameroon occur, or at least is characterized by:-the lack of transparency of a transaction or activity;-abuse of office;-by the illicit acquisition of something which is not right;-by unlawful search of a personal benefit.-blackmail or nepotism.Corruption is thus clearly distinct gifts or elements of a wage and tip. As Olivier de Sardan recalls, cannot however justify corruption by saying that it is part of a certain "gift culture". Gifts are not secrets and are not related to a clearly agreed remuneration or a form of blackmail. In any case, not in proportion to the sums involved in corruption today in Cameroon.This corruption necessarily has consequences on the socio-political and economic environment.2. the consequences of corruption Damage of corruption are multiple. We have no claim to enumerate everything. But beyond the trivialization of morality or the legitimization of the defect which it is the sign, it is good governance which suffers and especially development which weakens.Invited to discuss on the "looks on the facts, acts and practices of corruption in business in Cameroon", president of Gicam Olivier Behle unveiled the figures from a 2008 survey of 1052 enterprises. It shows that 76 per cent of business leaders argue that corruption had a negative impact on their operations in 2007, compared with 73% in 2006. 49% of patrons confess that it paid bribes to tax officials, 36% say paying between 1 and 5% of their turnover for the services. 63% of businessmen admit also no longer have faith in the Cameroonian judicial system, while 48% of managers believe that the legal framework negatively affects business.These figures give a meaningful overview of the impact of corruption on the Cameroonian economy. It is obvious that such practices have corollaries tax evasion, the distortion of the market, the paralysis of the entrepreneurial spirit and free competition. In short, they have a negative impact on the business environment. (6)Moreover, due to corruption, investment for development are not made here when the economic, social and political necessity so requires. On the other hand, they are oriented where the prospects for officials to receive bribes are the best.In the absence of reliable figures, the sectors most affected by corruption also tell us about the impact of this phenomenon on the Cameroonian social life. According to the Transparency International 2004 barometer, the sectors most corrupt in Cameroon were customs and police. (7)Basically, the level of entrenchment of corruption appears as a barometer for assessing governance in Cameroon. Despite the efforts made to sound
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Resultados (inglés) 2:[Dupdo]

Moreover, there has to see the amount and content of the motions of thanks to the Head of the State by the "daughters and son" of a specific region, following the appointment of one of them as Minister. That is, how expectations are high for the family, the village, the department, the parish / mosque, etc.
The improper payment of public service. To perform an act within the public service, the official charged the user. In other words, the market "service" that is supposed to perform for free.
To take the measure of this form of corruption, it is enough to have the idea of retribution or "Tchoko" that is often required to give for certification of an act of civil status. Even in some jurisdictions, records not "weighted" of a ticket will be systematically left on indefinite hold. Note that some officials sometimes create administrative shortages, and then charge the user, they will kindly "troubleshoot" claiming to have obtained printed from other services.
The tribute or "toll". The tribute was extorted without any intermediary or any "service" is actually provided. The best example to illustrate this same practice is the traffic stop on the road to Mokolo-Nkolbisson. Indeed, it is observed that the "clandos drivers' pay a kind of 'toll' for and overload (people and goods) and the" right "to travel without vehicle registration, insurance and / or driving license.
The wig. It is a practice of using for personal purposes, equipment owned by the public administration. At this level, it refers to all the official cars, service phones that have a systematic private use.
Moreover, it will be seen corruption in Cameroon manifests or at least is characterized by:
- lack transparency of an activity or transaction;
- abuse of office;
- for the illicit acquisition of something that is not entitled;
- the unlawful search of personal advantage;
- or the blackmail even nepotism.
corruption is ultimately quite separate gifts or elements of a wage and tip. As Olivier de Sardan recalls, however we can not justify corruption by saying it is part of a "culture of gift." Gifts are not secret and are not linked to performance against clearly agreed-to or a form of blackmail. In any case, not in proportion to the amounts involved in corruption in Cameroon today.
This corruption necessarily has consequences on the socio-political and economic environment.
2. the consequences of corruption
Damage of corruption are many. We do not pretend to enumerate all. But beyond the commoditization of morals or legitimizing the vice of which it is the sign is good governance, which suffers especially development that emerges weakened.
Invited to discuss the "eyes on the facts, acts and corrupt practices in the business community in Cameroon ", the President of Gicam Olivier Behle unveiled the figures from a survey conducted in 2008 among 1052 businesses. It shows that 76% of CEOs say that corruption had a negative impact on their business in 2007, against 73% in 2006. 49% of bosses confess to having paid bribes to tax officials, 36% said they paid between 1 and 5% of their turnover for services. 63% of businessmen will admit no longer trust the Cameroonian judicial system, while 48% of managers believe that the legal framework negatively affects business.
These figures give a meaningful overview of the impact of corruption on the Cameroonian economy. It is obvious that such practices are corollary tax evasion, market distortion, paralysis of entrepreneurship and free competition. In short, they have a negative impact on the business environment. (6)
Moreover, because of corruption, development investments are not made ​​where the economic need, social and political demands. They are however, targeted to where the prospects for officials to collect bribes are the best.
In the absence of reliable figures, the sectors most affected by corruption also tell us about the impact of this on the Cameroonian society. According to the 2004 Barometer of Transparency International, the most corrupt sectors in Cameroon were the customs and police. (7)
Basically, the level of entrenchment of corruption appears as a barometer for assessing governance in Cameroon. Despite his efforts to
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Resultados (inglés) 3:[Dupdo]
moreover, there is to see, the quantity and content of the motions of thanks addressed to the head of state as "the sons and daughters of a specific region, following the appointment of one of their own to the post of minister. that's how many hopes and expectations for the family, the village, the department of the church / mosque, etc.improper compensation for public service. to perform an act within the public service, the employee's pay for the user. in other words, the "market" is supposed to be free of charge.to take the measure of this form of corruption, it is sufficient to have the idea of retribution "or" tchoko is often required to provide for the certification of a civil status certificate. in some jurisdictions, "a file" sleeping ticket left systematically on indefinite hold. it should be noted that some staff members may create shortages and to pay administrative users, they have to "help", claiming to have printed on other services.the price or "toll". the price is raised, no, or no mediation service is provided. the example to illustrate this is the checkpoint on the road to mokolo - nkolbisson. in fact, we observe that the "drivers" are a kind of clandos kingdom and the overload (passengers and goods) and the "right" to operate without registration, insurance and / or driver's license.the wig. it is a practice that is used for personal purposes, equipment belonging to the public administration. at this level, it refers to all the company cars, phones, services that are used routinely.in addition, we have seen, corruption in cameroon, or, at least, is characterized by the following:the lack of transparency of an activity or transaction.- abuse of office;- the illicit acquisition of something that is not right.through the research of an illegitimate advantage.- blackmail or nepotism.corruption is in fine gifts and distinct components of wages and tips. as pointed out by olivier de sardan, we cannot, however, justify the corruption as part of a "culture of gift". the gifts are not secret, and are not related to insurance or clearly agreed on a form of blackmail. in any case, not in proportion to the sums involved in corruption in today's world.this corruption necessarily has impacts on the socio political and economic environment.2. the consequences of corruptionthe harm of corruption are numerous. we do not presume to list all. but beyond the common morality and the legitimacy of the defect that it is a sign, it is the good governance that is emerging and, above all, development is weakened.invited to discuss the "focus on the facts, the acts and corruption in the business community in cameroon", the president of the gicam olivier behlè released the results of a survey conducted in 2008 to 1052. it shows that 76% of heads of businesses say that corruption had a negative impact on their operations in 2007, compared to 73% in 2006. 49% of bosses think have paid bribes to tax officials, 36% said they had paid between 1% and 5% of their business to provide services. 63% of business people are also not to have confidence in the judicial system in cameroon, while 48% of the officials believed that the legal framework may adversely affect the business.these data provide valuable insights into the impact of corruption on the economy in cameroon. it is clear that such practices are leading to charges of tax evasion, the distortion of the market, the paralysis of the spirit of enterprise and free competition. in short, they have a negative impact on the business environment. (6)moreover, because of corruption, investment development is not carried out when the need for economic, social and political demands. they are, however, goes where the prospects for staff to collect bribes are the best.in the absence of reliable data, the sectors most affected by corruption, will also provide information on the impact on social life in cameroon. according to the barometer 2004 transparency international, the most corrupt in cameroon were the customs and the police. (7)basically, the main root of corruption
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